Members of cooperative societies not doing fertilizer work will be provided fertilizer from adjacent cooperative societies – DC
November 6th, 2024
Post by :- Kuljit Singh Hans
Members of cooperative societies not doing fertilizer work will be provided fertilizer from adjacent cooperative societies – DC
Jandiala Guru Kuljit Singh
Deputy Commissioner Amritsar Madam Sakshi Sahni, while holding a joint meeting with the Farmers’ Organization, Agriculture Department, Cooperation Department, Markfed, directed that the members of the cooperative societies whose members are facing difficulty in getting fertilizer will be linked with the adjacent cooperative societies for providing fertilizer. She said that instructions have been issued in this regard by the Special Chief Secretary-cum-Financial Commissioner, Cooperation, Punjab. She said that the indent of DAP fertilizer of the cooperative societies has been re-checked and the indent of the cooperative societies has been increased by making necessary amendments. He instructed the Deputy Registrar Cooperative Societies, Amritsar to immediately send the revised indents of the cooperative societies to the fertilizer supplier companies so that fertilizers can be provided to the cooperative societies as per the revised indent. Chief Agriculture Officer Tajinder Singh and representatives of the farmers’ organization were also present on this occasion. The Chief Agriculture Officer, Amritsar appealed to the farmers to use other phosphatic fertilizers available in the market for sowing wheat and sow the crop on time. He said that at present, apart from DAP, Triple Super Phosphate 46% fertilizer is also available for sowing wheat. If Triple Super Phosphate 46% fertilizer is used, 20 kg per acre of urea fertilizer can be used at the time of sowing, which can provide nitrogen and phosphorus elements in the same quantity as DAP fertilizer. Or at the time of sowing, 20 kg urea fertilizer and 155 kg single super phosphate 16% (phosphorus) fertilizer per acre can be used to supply nitrogen and phosphorus elements in wheat crop. Apart from this, ANPK 16-16-16, ANPK 15-15-15, ANPK 12-32-16, 10-26-26 and Urea Ammonium Phosphate 24-24-0, Ammonium Phosphate Sulphate 20-20-0-13 can also be used for wheat sowing.
कृपया अपनी खबरें, सूचनाएं या फिर शिकायतें सीधे पर भेजें। इस वेबसाइट पर प्रकाशित लेख लेखकों, ब्लॉगरों और संवाद सूत्रों के निजी विचार हैं। मीडिया के हर पहलू को जनता के दरबार में ला खड़ा करने के लिए यह एक सार्वजनिक मंच है।