The Spot Billing Union held a meeting with the Minister of Electricity Mr. Harbhajan Singh ETO.
September 14th, 2024 | Post by :- | 139 Views

The Spot Billing Union held a meeting with the Minister of Electricity Mr. Harbhajan Singh ETO.

Jandiala Guru:Kuljit Singh

कृपया अपनी खबरें, सूचनाएं या फिर शिकायतें सीधे पर भेजें। इस वेबसाइट पर प्रकाशित लेख लेखकों, ब्लॉगरों और संवाद सूत्रों के निजी विचार हैं। मीडिया के हर पहलू को जनता के दरबार में ला खड़ा करने के लिए यह एक सार्वजनिक मंच है।

Today,  the Spot Billing Union held a meeting with the Minister of Electricity Mr. Harbhajan Singh ETO Ji regarding the demands of meter readers. In which Gagandeep Singh, the state president of Spot Billing Union, told the power minister that he is facing a lot of difficulties at the moment. The work is being done by the companies by paying very low wages. We have been doing meter reading work for the last 10-12 years at low wages. It is very difficult to live on 8-10 thousand in today’s inflationary times. A demand was placed before the power minister by the Spot Billing Union that the government should ask the companies to pay 20 thousand to each meter reader and 25-30 thousand to the supervisor so that Our meter readers, supervisors can live their homes in a good way. If the company does not increase the salary, then the government should boycott the company and bill the spot billing employees directly under the department of electricity board. On this occasion, the union leaders said that we do not even do any strike, because the government and the department will suffer a lot if the billing is stopped. We are taking advantage of the department and the government from every aspect. If we are brought under the department, we will collect a lot of revenue to the department. This will also reduce electricity theft. On this occasion Mr. Harbhajan Singh ETO assured the State President of Spot Billing Union and Meter Reader that we will fulfill your demand very soon. He said that this Aam Aadmi Party government is with you. On this occasion, the union thanked the minister deeply and said that we hope that you will bring us under the department very soon. Singh Fatehpur, Harpreet Singh etc. union leaders were present.

आप अपने क्षेत्र के समाचार पढ़ने के लिए वैबसाईट को लॉगिन करें :-

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