During patrolling, Jandiala police arrested 4 accused who were roaming in suspicious condition in Grain Market.
August 12th, 2024 | Post by :- | 141 Views

During patrolling, Jandiala police arrested 4 accused who were roaming in suspicious condition in Grain Market. Giving information, Jandiala Guru Kuljit Singh SHO Jandiala Guru Inspector Mukhtyar Singh said that as per the directions of higher officials, a special campaign is being run against drug smugglers and mischievous elements. Under the campaign, during patrolling by Jandiala police party, last night at around 12.30 AM, four youths were roaming in suspicious condition. Police arrested them and took legal action against them. They have been identified as Lali son of Chanchal Singh resident of Manawala Kalan police station Chattiwind, Gurpreet Singh son of Dara Singh resident of village Rakh Jhita police station Chattiwind, Kuldeep Singh son of Baldev Singh resident of village Vadali Dogra and Sahib Singh son of Gurdayal Singh resident of village Dharad.

कृपया अपनी खबरें, सूचनाएं या फिर शिकायतें सीधे editorlokhit@gmail.com पर भेजें। इस वेबसाइट पर प्रकाशित लेख लेखकों, ब्लॉगरों और संवाद सूत्रों के निजी विचार हैं। मीडिया के हर पहलू को जनता के दरबार में ला खड़ा करने के लिए यह एक सार्वजनिक मंच है।

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